Reconciliation/First Communion
-2yr. program
-2nd grade-8th grade academic year
-Must be previously baptized/must bring copy of baptism
First Communion yr. 1& yr. 2 Requirements and expectations:
-Students will be expected to attend weekly mass and given a form that must be signed and turned in weekly.
-Students must attend a 1-day retreat
-Students will be given assignments and must be turned into catechist
-Students will be given a test near the end of the year
-Attendance is crucial to be able to receive the sacrament. Students are only allowed to miss 3 total absences throughout the year (only acceptable absences if there is a family emergency, illness with Drs. Note, or unexpected death in the family). If any student is absent more than 3 times, the student may be at risk of being dropped from the program.
We strongly suggest that if your student intends to enroll in other school programs, please ensure they do not conflict with the First Communion schedule. This recommendation is solely to guarantee that each student maximizes the benefits from the limited duration they attend First Communion classes.
Parent Involvement:
-Parents are required to volunteer for 5hrs. This can be completed throughout the year by volunteering as hall monitors, teacher aid, office help, set up crew, Clean-up crew or donations that will be asked to bring for events.
-Parents are required to attend a parent/sponsor retreat.
*Classes for 2024-2025 begin September 18th Wednesday in English or Spanish September 19th Friday from 6:30pm-8pm in the SJM school building.
**Childrens Faith Formation Mandatory Parent Orientation (excluding students)
September 11th (English) or September 13th (Spanish) At the Parish Hall at 6:30pm
For more information, please contact us at 714-535-6111 or email us at [email protected]